Air Conditioners ·

Sizing Chart for Mini Split AC

You’re in the market for a ductless mini-split AC. Before you swipe your card to commit to a purchase, there are a few things you need to consider:

1. Zone Size

Choosing the correct size is critical — an improper fit will have negative effects on the comfort level, lifespan, and overall efficiency of your unit.

If it’s too small it won’t be able to adequately cool your home causing you to use it at the maximum level which will quickly wear down your system.

You don’t want it to be too large either, contrary to the popular belief that bigger is always better. If it’s too big for the area it will begin to short cycle (continuously turn on and off in short time spans) causing extreme wear and tear which will burn out your system. Here’s a chart as an example:

2. Ceiling Height

If you have ceilings higher than eight feet you will need to increase the number of BTUs by 20%.

3. Insulation Quality

Your home’s insulation quality influences the BTU rating. If your home isn’t well insulated you need a system with a higher BTU rating and vice versa. For poor insulated cooling area, we will suggest to increase the number of BTUs by 30%. 


TOSOT Recommendations

We have ACs to fit your needs. Here are our recommendations that correlate with the size chart above.

350-450 sq. ft.:

9,000 BTU Ductless Mini-Split Inverter Heat Pump Air Conditioner-120V

9,000 BTU Ductless Mini-Split Inverter Heat Pump Air Conditioner-230V


450-650 sq. ft.:

12,000 BTU Ductless Mini-Split Inverter Heat Pump Air Conditioner-120V

12,000 BTU Ductless Mini-Split Inverter Heat Pump Air Conditioner-230V


650-850 sq. ft.:

18,000 BTU Ductless Mini-Split Inverter Heat Pump Air Conditioner-230V


Make the right choice for your investment. Consider all of the criteria before choosing a TOSOT mini-split AC.


If you have any questions about our Mini Split ACs, please reach out to our customer support team so we can help you out! 

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